The Retina Reference

Pathologic Myopia- New Onset Maculoschisis

This is an OCT montage of a 55-year-old female patient with new onset maculoschisis involving the right eye in the setting of pathologic myopia . The OCT from 11/2017 shows the thin choroid typical of pathologic myopia (green arrow) and the artifactitious segmentation line that erroneously defines the Bruch membrane (purple arrows throughout the montage). These artifacts are common in pathologic myopia. No schisis cavities are present in the OCT from 11/2017, but in 1/2019 she has numerous cavities that involve the outer nuclear layer, the inner nuclear layer, and the ganglion cell layer. The yellow arrows point to an area where the retinal pigment epithelium and ellipsoid zone are missing, corresponding to the atrophic zone indicated by the red arrow in the near infrared reflectance image.