Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion - Fluorescein Angiogram

You should look at the Normal Fluorescein Angiogram photo first to provide a basis for comparison. In this photo of a fluorescein angiogram taken in a patient with branch retinal vein occlusion, the dark blotches in the northwest quadrant of the photo represent blood. The white blotches represents the fluorescein dye leaking out of the veins. This leakage is caused by increased pressure in the vein (since the clot downstream blocks the flow of blood out) and by relative lack of oxygenation in the tissue (because the blood flow is stagnant). The leakage of fluid into the retina is one of the causes of blurred vision in this condition. Others are the blood which blocks light from stimulating the retinal cells, and the poor circulation leading to retinal cell death. More information on this condition can be found in the Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion brochure under the heading Information.