Optic Nerve Pit with subretinal fluid

This 11 year old was initially seen in 2011 with complaint of distorted vision for approximately 6 months. The anterior exam was normal. Her corrected visual acuity was 20/12 in the right eye and 20/32 in the left eye. Intraocular pressures were 12 in each eye. The fundus exam showed subretinal fluid centered superior, nasal to the fovea. (see images 2&3 pink arrows) The optic nerve showed an optic pit (image # 1 blue arrow) with a superotemporal peripapillary laser scar. The laser was performed by another provider to treat the subretinal fluid. The OCT showed subretinal fluid (image 4 teal arrows). No further treatment was recommended other than serial observation. The patientÕs vision and fluid remained stable over the next few years. Approximately five years the subretinal fluid had resolved. (Image 5 OCT) The patient was asked to return in one year.