Oculocutaneous Albinism Color Fundus Photograph

These are color fundus photographs of the eyes of a 68 year old man with oculocutaneous albinism. His visual acuity had been 20/80 right, 20/100 left for years. He had high refractive error (R-+1.25+3.75X85 and L-+1.00+3.75X100) and used a +4.00 reading add and a Kindle with adjustable font size for reading as a low vision aid. He had always been light sensitive. He had nystagmus of both eyes. The iris showed iris transillumination defects. The fundus photographs show lack of choroidal pigment and no easily definable foveal area. The small vessels of the macula do not point in a clear way to a foveal avascular zone (black arrows). He had no foveal depressions (see the OCT images in the other image contained in this section of the website).