CRVO -spontaneous worsening of fundus signs

Progression in severity of a nonischemic central retinal vein occlusion. A - Fundus photograph at presentation on 3/26/2010 of an eye with a mild nonischemic CRVO. The retinal veins are dilated, only a few intraretinal hemorrhages are present, and there is no disk or macular edema. Visual acuity was 20/20. B - Four weeks later, on 4/28/2010, the visual acuity has dropped to 20/25, there are many more intraretinal hemorrhages, and the disk is edematous (compare black arrow in A to black arrow in B). C - Horizontal SD-OCT line scan through the fovea at presentation shows a normal macular morphology and thickness (CSMT=276 μ). D - Four weeks later CSMT has increased to 287 μ, the foveal depression is preserved, but some fine morphological changes can be noted such as less definition between the ganglion cell layer and the inner plexiform layer (compare green arrow in C to purple arrow in D) and a more pronounced pattern of interdigitating extensions of the outer plexiform layer and the outer nuclear layer (compare yellow arrow in C to orange arrow in D). E - Red free fundus photograph seven months later (12/1/2010) shows that the optic disk edema has resolved (compare yellow arrow of E to black arrow of B) and there are fewer intraretinal hemorrhages.