Central Serous Retinopathy with Chronic Subretinal Fluid

This 32-year-old woman complained of blurry vision described as Ò like looking through a filmÓ for 2 months. She was in good health and took only vitamins and iron supplements.. Her vision was 20/20 in the right eye and 20/30 in the left eye. The slit exam was normal. The fundus exam showed subretinal fluid inferior to the fovea of the left eye. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed subretinal fluid (see OCT initial visit, yellow arrow) consistent with central serous retinopathy. She was given education to reduce stress and follow up in a couple of months. On her second visit the fluid was resolving, (see OCT 2 month follow up, yellow arrow) and continued observation was advised. Five months after the first visit the fluid was resolved (see OCT 5 month visit, yellow arrow). The fundus autofluorescence image (photo on the right,) shows an area of hyperautofluorescence (purple arrows), which had previously been covered, in subretinal fluid. This is a sign of chronicity. The patient was encouraged to continue stress reduction, avoid corticosteroids and return in 2-3 months.