Central Serous Retinopathy - Bilateral Disease

Central serous retinopathy is frequently a bilateral disease as in the case shown, which has active disease of the right eye and inactive disease of the left eye. A - Red free photograph of the right eye shows an ellipitical area of subretinal fluid in the macula. The OCT inset shows the subretinal fluid. B - Red free photograph of the left eye shows retinal pigment epithelial disturbance superotemporal to the macula from resolved fluid in the past. The OCT inset shows no subretinal fluid. C - Frame from the fluorescein angiogram shows an active retinal pigment epithelial leak (yellow arrow). D - Frame from the fluorescein angiogram shows an area of hyperfluorescence from an old leak that resolved with retinal pigment epithelial atrophy (orange arrow)