Retinal Vasoproliferative Tumor Before and After Cryotherapy

The patient whose photographs are shown presented with gradual asymptomatic blurring of vision left eye. Her corrected vision was 20/20 in each eye and she had no medical problems. There was no family history of eye disease. On 12/29/2008 the orange vascular lesion in the superotemporal retinal periphery was seen (red arrow) and large amounts of subretinal lipid (yellow arrow). It was recommended that the lesion be treated with cryotherapy to prevent migration of lipd into the macula. Two years later (11/21/2010) the lesion is scarred and inactive (yellow arrow) and the lipid has nearly resolved (white arrow). The color of the fundus appears different in the two photographs, but this is just a photographic artifact of using different cameras and settings.