Angioid Streaks with Intraretinal Hemorrhage

This montage shows fundus photographs, fluorescein angiogram frames, and OCT images from a 56 year old, female patient with angioid streaks. In the fundus photographs, the angioid streaks are indicated by the white arrows. There is an intraretinal hemorrhage (green arrow) indicating choroidal neovascularization that is obscured in the fluorescein angiogram by the overlying blood. The OCT scans show the progression of RPE atrophy over the years. The red arrows show the spreading loss of the ellipsoid zone. Yellow arrows indicate subretinal scarring present from 2013. Additionally, new subretinal scarring (turquoise arrow) appears in the 2018 OCT scan of the left eye, but there is no sign of subretinal fluid. The patient received serial intravitreal bevacizumab injections for the choroidal neovascularization in the right eye.