Arteriolar Macroaneurysm with Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion

You should look at the Normal Fluorescein Angiogram first as a basis for comparison. The black spot at the bottom of this photo is a clot of blood at the site of a ruptured macroaneursym. A macroaneurysm is a weakened wall of an artery which has pooched out. These can rupture, as in this case, or they can leak fluid into the retina. The area north of the clot is a patch of retina with no capillary blood flow. It looks a bit different from the surrounding retina. This is caused by the clot blocking the artery. The patient will see a dark spot above the center of the field of vision because the damaged area of retina is below the center of the retina, and the optics of the human eye flips the image. You can learn more by reading Arterial Macroaneurysms under the heading Information.