Melanoma Metastasis to the Vitreous - Four Month Follow Up

The above photos, are of the same patient, from the previous example of a melanoma metastasis to the vitreous. When originally presenting in March, there was a clear view to the fundus, and small metastatic black lesions were noted through the retina, the anterior chamber was clear at this time. Note the presentation in the photo from August. At this visit, there was no view to the fundus, notice no red reflex in the picture. Also, newly found, were black corneal infiltrates (red arrows). These infiltrates are the same as the retinal infiltrates that were noted in the fundus back in March. The new black infiltrates in the cornea are small metastatic lesions, which are spilling into the anterior chamber from the vitreous. The ultrasound shows this mass of cancerous cellular debris, which is attached to the posterior capsule, and causing those black infiltrates on the posterior cornea. The ultrasound revealed no choroidal masses or infiltrates.