Blunt Trauma - Bar Fight (Fist)

These images come from a 21 year-old male who was punched in the left eye. He put off going to the doctor for 5 days. The top image is a color fundus photograph taken from the initial visit. The patient initially had a visual acuity of 20/100 OS. The green arrow indicates resolving, dehemoglobinized blood and early scar tissue. The yellow arrow highlights a choroidal rupture; the teal arrow highlights areas of lipofuscin surrounding the hemorrhage. The patient was prescribed prednisolone acetate for traumatic iritis and told to return in one month for a follow-up. The OCTs were taken at the follow-up visit. The patient was now seeing 20/60 OS. The OCTs show resolving subretinal hemorrhage (purple arrows). Sub-pigment epithelial scarring is indicated by the red arrow. Notice the Bruch membrane rupture at the base of the pigment epithelial mound over the scar (tan arrow).