Traction Retinal Detachment with Post-Op Submacular Fluid

Multimedia imaging of a case of traction retinal detachment repaired surgically with slow absorption subretinal fluid. The patient was a 61 year old man with diabetes, but no typical diabetic retinopathy. He had a preretinal fibrotic adhesion of the retina to the vitreous with a localized traction retinal detachment that progressed into the macula reducing vision to 20/80 when the decision was made to perform vitrectomy with membrane peeling and gas-fluid exchange. The red free fundus photograph from 2016 shows the fibrotic adhesion (blue arrow). The postoperative appearance is shown in the color fundus photograph, which shows laser scarring at the site of the membrane peeling (yellow arrow). The sequence of OCTs shows very slow absorption of the subretinal fluid over more than 2 years with return of visual acuity to 20/16.