Pre-eclampsia Retinopathy

This collection of fundus images shows the changes of pre-eclampsia retinopathy. This patient was 38 years old and had delivered 1 week before this examination. Her visual acuity was 20/30 right eye, 20/50 left eye and was already improving since delivery. A - Color fundus photograph of the right eye shows Elschnig spots (yellow arrows) and a tan line where sub retinal fluid was, but is not present now (white arrow). Elschnig spots are pigmented scars at the level of the retinal pigment epithelium caused by underlying small choroidal infarcts. B - Color fundus photograph of the left eye shows Elschnig spots (yellow arrow). C - Fluorescein angiogram frame shows an Elschnig spot as a window defect (red arrow). D - Fluorescein angiogram frame shows several Elschnig spots as hypo fluorescent areas (red arrows). E - OCT of the right funds shows that the sub retinal fluid has resolved. F - OCT of the left funds shows that sub retinal fluid persists (yellow arrow).