Central Retinal Artery Occlusion with Cilioretinal Artery Sparing

This set of four images shows a central retinal artery occlusion with cilioretinal artery sparing. The top left panel shows the appearance of the fundus before the central retinal artery occlusion. The top right panel shows the appearance of the fundus at the time of the central retinal artery occlusion. The white arrow shows ischemic retinal whitening surrounding the fovea, producing the cherry red spot. The green arrow indicates the nonischemic island of retina perfused by the cilioretinal artery, which derives from the choroidal circulation and not the central retinal artery. The bottom left panel shows the severe nonperfusion of the retina more than one minute after injection of the fluorescein dye. The yellow arrow indicates the perfused cilioretinal artery. The bottom right panel shows that there is no late leakage of dye, unlike the situation commonly seen with a central retinal vein occlusion.